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Youthnet's Response to Racism: A Letter from Executive Director Carla Arnold

Dear community partners, clients,  and friends of Youthnet,

Given the recent events related to the death of George Floyd and many others, as well as the current protests and violence, especially as a woman of color, it is with a heavy heart and a plethora of emotions that I write this statement. I’m sure you may also be experiencing feelings of anger, sadness, grief, disgust, fear, anxiety, and helplessness wondering what to do next and how to help.

For the past 50 years Youthnet has worked very hard to abide by our mission of providing caring and supportive services to children and families so they can lead healthy, successful lives. This can’t be accomplished in a world that does not value and respect people of color. Racial injustice is intolerable and we stand with those who take action against the inequities and violence that are perpetrated against those who are different. Equity, diversity, inclusion and humility are valued at our organization and we strive to grow and learn from those who may be unlike us that can help bring us understanding and acceptance. We pledge to work harder to increase our own level of knowledge through education, conversations, active listening, and partnering with those who can assist us in broadening our scope of what is means to be anti-racist, and increase our commitment to practicing respect, valuing and embracing difference, and challenging one another to look at our own biases, judgments, and beliefs.

Youthnet believes in and values the dignity and worth of all those who work for us, with us, and who are served through our programs. As a foster care agency we are in the business of keeping children safe, and helping them heal from trauma and abuse. We support those organizations that do the same for people of color as well as any people who are subject to discrimination, human rights violations, social injustice, and maltreatment, physical and mental harm. We will continue to practice with compassion and caring and seek to improve the way we serve those that are underserved, undervalued, and marginalized.

Please help by joining us in this commitment to introspection and action to make the future more equitable and less disparate for the generations coming behind us.  We welcome your allyship and your thoughts on how we can work together to address racism and injustice and promote a more equitable and inclusive community for our children and families.

Carla Arnold
Executive Director

Stay safe, stay healthy.

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